Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Aug 2009, School is here again.

Riley in 5th grade, can it be?

This is the only picture of Garrett I have from the first day.

I don't think it could get much worse with Garrett. He is having a hard time with school not sure if he was having a hard time processing the death of Hassan over the summer. Let just say the mornings are a little like a UFC fight. I'm crying, he is crying and yelling and in his underwear. I have had to bring clothes in a bag to school. The school psychologist and principal meet me outside and it gets crazy. That is after a 30 to 40 min UFC fight trying to get him in the car and stay in car while I try to get in and drive. Oh the sadness, but for the other children, they were excited. Riley was entering 5th grade and Preston his 1st and only year of Preschool. Oh and Garrett entered 3rd grade.

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