Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kimmy and I, I think we look really good!My favorite part is the socks!
Some of my favorites

even more!!!

My Mom would Say it is a tender mercy of the lord

I would say so! I'm in touch with one of my oldest friends

while she is my oldest friend we meet when we were two

We grew up across the street from each other in San Carlos,Ca

We lost contact about 9 years ago.So in the mean time I have been Having

kids and living life! So has she but if you don't know my personal

struggle of raising Garrett who was diagnosed with autism

let me tell you!Everyone says he ,he can't have Autism he seems

so normal.I Say live with him for 24 hours!Or hang out with him and his friends!

I cry everyday,I some days feel like I can't do this anymore!I have been really depressed

So that with out all the details.I will get back to the tender mercy.

Kimmy called me and when we where catching up she said that she was an Aid in a

class room for high function Autistic kids,and now she started a business Babysitting
She is better then talking to anyone so far!Really knows about the routines
and the diet,that so many autistic kids are on that I have just started to figure out.

So after all these years of not talking ,when I'm at rock bottom,Kimmy and I are in each others life's again,and she has hope for me with her knowledge.I'm so thankful to pick up were

we left off and to have Kimmy in my life!Not only for the hope she has giving me but to have my oldest friend back again!

Love you Kimmy

1 comment:

Barbi Mecham said...

I am sorry you have been having such a hard time. You are such a great mom and wonderful lady. I love you! I am so glad you have a good friend who can help you in this time of life. Your kids are precious. So cute!