Friday, November 14, 2008

Things that make me happy today

Shawn is a really hard worker! He really loves his children and really tries to support me when I'm having one of those days! As many mom's have but so many cops wifes know!!

Garrett is so smart! He is so cute and is so good at so many things! Garrett has learned a lot of new things this year, like how to ride a bike, how to swing. These were things he was really scared to try and I think with his Autism maybe some of these things are hard. He is being tested right know for the gifted and talented progam. We will see what happens.

I asked Preston if we could do his hair as we were getting ready to go to Target. He said, "No all the people will say, "O O O O O O, I want a hawk like that, I want his hair and they will all wook at him and he doesn't want all the people wooking at him." He is so funny!

Ireland, we were laying down and I was starting to nurse her, and (Yes She is 16 mos. old) but it's hard to give up!!!! I started to sing, "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree" and I sang, I looked out the window and what did I see and Ireland said POP POP! She's so smart!!!

Riley is such a cool person! She is such a great helper at home with her brothers and sister. She is very sure of herself, with her hair and clothes, she is just a great person!!!

I have so much to be grateful for!!!

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