Friday, February 27, 2009

Riley did it at last
Riley has had tears and everything in between trying to complete this timed test this year it is 100 math problems and you have Five minutes.
and she did it!Time to celebrate! So I went to Baskin Robbins and bought 4 clown Ice cream cones they were decorated like a clown, it was really fun! way to go we knew you could do it 100 problems no problem!
Yogurt Fruit smoothies

Who new messy could be so cute

Sneaky Sneaky Girl!

Those our Riley's Valentine Candy's

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Garrett update I should have listened to my gut.........
Garrett's glue came apart a little so it is going to finish healing pulled apart.
The PA we saw said stitches and then Garrett didn't really want them because like
I said he is scared to death.she looked at it and pushed it together and said I think it will do fine with glue!!!I said are you sure??She said yes !Either way there will have scar!She was wrong!He needed the stiches.
I should have gone with my gut!
Lesson hopeful learned!

Garrett and the Kitchen floor.
Last Sunday Garrett was running and sliding in his
new foot Jammie's yes they make them for 8 year olds!
he Hit the kitchen floor and wright in the middle of his four head it was split open.
so we woke up daddy to see if he need stitches.He said yes!Garrett
because of the blood was white,I'm talking white,he really doesn't do well with blood
he kept crying that he was going to die,it was really funny but sad to!So we went to Kaiser after hours WE WAITED ABOUT 1 1/2 Hours,TO BE SEEN I THOUGHT ARE WE IN THE ER and Garrett thought the glue would be better then stitches.I thought yes he will do better with that.Garrett's was so happy he couldn't take a bath or shower of 48 hours.I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU GARRETT.

Friday, February 13, 2009

We have Ireland
Sleeping in a Walmart shopping cart while Shopping .
And yes I wiped the cart everywhere with Clorox wipes Don't think ,I ever shop anywhere without doing that!Are you crazy!! And she is lying on Shawn's sweatshirt and we kept lifting her legs so they wouldn't hurt!!! just so you know!!!! So The red mark is from when she fall asleep on my shoulder.If you were worried!!

And then we have falling asleep while watching a football game with her Dad!!I guess the game was that bad??
Maybe we should stay home more so she can get her naps in at home??Then I wouldn't ever be able to leave!!!!I'm not kidding between taking the big kids places and Preston's Nap,getting ready in the morning!Don't get me wrong see she still has naps at home!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let me see your smile!
This is the cute face you get!
Ireland or (LOU LOU) Had her 18month check Last week it went well!I did the hole I think we need to have her shots spread out he Dr.Manny Or DR.Lorenzo Said she will be fine!And I went with it I'm on this big kick at about shots,and Autism it comes from all my reading to try to help Garrett! Hopeful I did the right thing!! I felt ok with it so I think Some bigger was telling me it will be ok!
SO back to the Details
Ireland was in 10th to 12th for weight
21lbs 7oz.
82% For Height
50th for head
So there goes Garrett's Ireland has a big head!
Her Head is ok ,not Backyard againish

Parent Teacher Conferences

Went well I wasn't sure after Riley's teacher was

telling the mom before us that her son was lazy,and she can't

trust him.I was Scared

It went well she didn't have anything Bad to say only good


The thing that struck me was she said I have her in the back of the room by a boy who has a lot of troubles I guess you could say. And she has a way of getting a long with people that don't get a long with anyone else!!!

I was a little teary and thought how the Lord has giving Riley that Talent so she could be in a family with a Brother that is so hard to get along with!I'm totally crying as I write this!